Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
24 okt 10
jadi tuh pertamanya gua mau nonton saman kan di alcup terus ga boleh yaudah sorenya gua e xxi di mm tadinya si mau nonton eat pray love tp ga jadi eh akhirrnya nonton stepup..dikira gua filmnya ngebosenin tp lama2 gua cengo disitu..eh terus2 yaaa ada cowo gua namanya adam sevani yg jd moosee :3 uah dia ganteng bgt apalagi wkt dance diair anjirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <3
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
kecewa sm LIA
kecewa banget sm lia hari ini jadi tuh ya waktu itu lg pengen pulang abis lia masih dikelas sih eh miss wiwit ngumumin 'jadi kalian entar dipisah2 kelasnya urutan absen 1-10 di ruang 306 10-17 di 301' kita lgsg shock kan 'hah miss?ko gitu' trus yaaaaaaaa tau ngga siapa yg ngajar diruang 306 ???? ms.sjawir!!! anjirrrrrrrr diajar lg sm dia udh gtu si aziz gamasuk taeeee dikelasnya tuh temen2nya tuh ngesok gimanaaaaa gitu-_-" ga diajar lg sm miss wiwttt :( pdhal udh PW udh gitu ye disekolah ada tambahan ih kesellllll
Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010
the williams (not done yet)
Di Suatu Bukit tertinggi di kota Paris Terdapat sebuah gubuk kecil yang berisi dua orang kakak beradik yang bernama belakang “Williams” mereka di tinggall orang tuanya pergi ke Amerika tepatnya di Los Angeles,California. Mereka ditinggal orang tuanya untuk mencari nafkah. Sebelumnya the Williams ini adalah orang terkaya di kota paris tapi setelah kehancuran bisnis orang tuanya, mereka pun hidup kekurangan.the Williams sewaktu kaya terkenal dengan kecerdasan mereka yang luar biasa.
Telah lama the Williams hidup sengsara hanya bisa menunggu nasib selain itu Terdengar orangtua the Williams adalah orang sukses di los angeles lalu the Williams berniat untuk mengunjungi orangtuanya di Los Angeles karena mereka muak dengan keadaannya di kota paris ini.dengan semangatnya Sam Williams Adik Dari Doug Williams mengajak kakaknya yang baru berumur 15 tahun ini berbicara di pagi hari,”ka,sarapan pagi dengan apa?”kata sam “dengan ikan goreng”sahut doug “ka aku denger dari teman2ku yang tinggal di kota, orangtua mereka telah bertemu ayah dan ibu di suatu rumah yang besaar sekalii di Los Angeles,mereka bilang ayah dan ibu mendirikan Butik disana”sambung sam,”kamu percaya dengan mereka sam? Apa kamu yakin?”Tanya doug,”aku yakin ka mereka itu temanku waktu di sekolah lama Dulu mana mungkin mereka membohongiku?!”jawab sam,doug tidak menjawab dan menyiapkan makan untuk adiknya sam.
Pada hari ini jadwal sam adalah bertani di kebun milik pak Robert “hai pak Robert apa kabar?” sapa sam kepada pak Robert,”baik saja sekarang kau mulai untuk memanen wortel untukku penghasilan 20$ itu cukup?” jawab pak Robert “jelas”sahut Sam,setelah itu Sam Pergi memanen. Selama sam memanen doug sedang memancing ikan di sungai tak jauh dari gubuknya tak lama doug mendengar nelayan sedang beristirahat di bawah pohon samping sungai sambil berkata “Koran amerika ini saya temukan di tempat sampah sepertinya ini lumayan mahal dari pada sayang mending aku membacanya” ddan setelah itu doug berhenti dan menghampirinya “hai pak,sudah selesai membaca?” Tanya doug “memang kenapa?!” jawab nelayan tadi,”tidak aku hanya ingin meminjamnya,bolehkah?” Tanya doug lagi,”yasudah ini memakai bahasa inggris saya tidakk mengerti bacalah sana jangan ganggu saya,saya ingin tidur”jawab nelayan tadi, kebetulan doug bisa berbahasa inggris dengan lancar
Di bacanya Koran itu dan dibawa pulang dengan rasa gembira doug bersemangat menanti sam pulang dari bertani,15 menit kemudian sam pulang “hey ada apa ka?kau terlihat gembira sekali?!” Tanya sam,”lihat ini kau benar sam orang tua kita kaya kita bisa mengunjungi mereka” jawab doug,Sam hanya tersenyum gembira tapi sekilas senyum itu pudar setelah dia berpikir didalam hatinya “dengan apa kita bisa ke amerika?! Untuk uang sekolahpun kita tidak bisa membayar”lalu sam menyampaikan hal itu kepada doug dan doug pun kebingungan.
Esoknya sam bangun dan tidak ada doug di sampingnya hanya ada surat tertinggal,”dik,aku pergi ke bandara hari ini untuk menanyakan berapa harga tiket untuk pergi ke Amerika,ciao Doug”, sam pergi ke ruang makan dan ada cukup makanan. Stelah itu Sam berangkat kerja penghasilan hari ini memungkinkan 40$ untuk bertani dan menggantikan doug mencari ikan dan dijual di pasar seharga 65$ total penghasilan 100$ setelah kembalinya doug dia membawa berita buruk “sam, harga tiket menuju ke amerika adalah 2500$ kecuali kita menaiki kereta seharga 1000$ itu terendah” kata doug,”tidak ada bus? Mungkin kita berpindah2 negara seperti dari peranciss kemana gitu ka?!” jawab sam, “itu memungkinkan lebih banyak mengeluarkan uang.maafkan aku” kata doug kepada sam,” Its Ok !” jawab sam dengan laganya seperti orang inggris
just created by me
Alkisah terdapat seorang janda tinggal di sebuah desa terapung di Kalimantan bernama bu aish dia tidak tinggal sendiri disana dia ditemani oleh 2 orang gadisnya yg cantik jelita bernama putri dan sinta.putri dan sinta adalah anak yang rajin di rumah maupun disekolahnya,mereka cukup pintar dikelas mereka.pekerjaan bu aish adalah menjahit dia juga menerima baju-baju untuk di cuci, dan upahnya memungkinkan anak gadisnya untuk makan,untung saja sinta dan putri cerdas dan mendapatkan bea siswa.
Suatu ketika datanglah lelaki asing kerumahnya yang dibilang sederhana,”ada apa ya pak?” Tanya bu aish,”ini rumahnya sinta&putri?”Tanya lelaki itu balik,”iya,memang ada apa ya?” jawab bu aish,”tidak saya hanya ingin bertemu mereka sekaligus bersilahturrahim” jelas lelaki itu,”tapi mereka belum pulang tuh pak dari sekolah tunggu saja di teras paling hanya 10 menit lagi mereka sampai”,”yasudah lah” jawab lelaki itu.
10 menit lelaki itu menunggu dan akhirnya putri & sinta pun pulang,”assalamualaikum bu, lah sin itu bukannya pak ustadz disekolah kita itu ya?”kata putri yg memotong salamnya tadi,”iya itu pak ustadz” jawab sinta,”assalamualaikum”sambar lelaki tadi kepada sinta dan putri,”eh ada pak ustadz” jawab mereka sambil cium tangan lelaki tadi,Di dalam bu aish mendengar suara gadis2nya dan buru2 keluar,”hey kalian tak salim sama ibumu ini ha?iya pintar kalian berdua” sewot bu aish didepan pintu,”lah iya sin kenapa kau tak mengingatkan saya” jawab putri sambil tertawa kecil sambil mencium tangan bu aish.”halah kalian berdua ini hah,nah ini ada yang mau bertemu kalian,tak tau siapa.”kata bu aish,”itu pak ustadz yg disekolah kita bu”jawab sinta,”sana mengobrol jangan di dieman ya entar kalo dia sudah pulang makanan sudah di meja ibu mau ke desa sebelah mengambil baju kotor!”kata bu aish,”iyalah bu” jawab sinta dan putri.
Setelah bu aish berangkat ke desa sebelah,sinta dan putri menyiapkan minuman untuk pak ustadz,”pak untuk apa pak ustadz datang kesini?pentingkah itu?”Tanya sinta,”iya,ini harus disampaikan,kalian pas ujian baca alqur’an tidak lulus jadi kalian tidak dapat beasiswa”jawab pak ustadz,”lah itukan hanya 1 pelajaran dan tidak terlalu penting!”lanjut putri,”hush! Kalau kalian tak bisa baca alqur’an apa gunanya keterangan muslim di ktp kalian!percuma!sekolah kita itu sekolah islam dan mengandalkan pelajaran itu!”jawab pak ustadz sewot,”tau nih putri,lantas harus bagaimana nih pak ustadz apa ada remedial test? Soalnya kami tak diajarkan membaca alqur’an waktu sd maupun smp”jawab sinta,”buat kalian saya maklumi,ada remedial test, besok kalian harus belajar ya dengan tekun !”kata pak ustadz,”kapan mulai belajarnya pak?”Tanya putri,”terserah kalian”jawab pak ustadz,”dimana pak?dirumah pak ustadz?”Tanya sinta,”lah?saya tidak bisa memprivati kalian berdua,saya ada pekerjaan lainnya maaf”jawab pak ustadz,”hmm gimana kita bisa dapat beasiswa nih kak pak ustadz saja tidak bisa mengajarkan kita!”Tanya putri kepada sinta,”carilah cara lain,saya pergi dulu ya ada urusan lagi terimakasih wassalam!”potong pak ustadz sambil memakai sendalnya dan pergi.
Tugas kalian adalah mengganti kata yang sudah di beri warna merah kekata baku!
mydreams about the freak JB
ah parah bgt sih masa ya semalem gua mimpi ketemu justin bieber, eh gua minta foto sm dia pertamanya gamau eh lama2 mau ;-) yaampunnnnnnn terus ya pas gue check eh ilang semua fotonya gua nangis ngambek tuh terus justin bieber tiba2 bawain tissue OMG katanya "hy girl you want takes more picture with me?" ya gua jawab "YESSSSSSSSSS" nyuuuuuuuu :3 pas di take gua liat masa kake2 yg dibilang pke topeng jb,njir. wkwwkwkk itu parah bangettttt eh iya sebelum itu gua juga mimpi dia nyium pipi gue OMG -_- impossible bet ya mimpi gua hemmmmm!!!!
My Longgg Story
I don't know what my fault is. I feel that these days I have been keeping my diet pretty tight. But how come this my dear cheek is still stretchy. And a lot of people who take a look at it want to pinch it. It makes me more resentful. It is resentful... resentful... resentful... Veeeery resentful. What is my fault? Weep... Weep... did the fault come from the descendant from my beloved father and mother that makes my cheek really puffed-up. I don't think so. They are not fat either.
But if I really think about it again my fate was really unfortunate.
I remembered truely when I was still small. Approximately when I was five years old; my relatives came to my house. And all of them then were so happy to see my face. Not anything and and not anywhy. They seemed like they got a new toy.
What toy? What else if not my cheek that passionated them. They pinched the left cheek, then pinched the right cheek. They were so very happy then. Laugh laugh. They did not know that the owner of this cheek felt a suffering on both the body and heart. Pain on the cheek, pain also in the heart. Until the end I cried… Huaaaaa. Only then they stopped, changed to caressing.
"Choop choop the sweet child should not cry please."
It was more serious when I was in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, I remember truely that I had a friend named Luri. A child that according to my view is one of the naughtiest on the school. It is indeed generally the child was good, not smoking, obeyed the school rule and even the national ideology and national law, never skipped class even once, moderately clever and high-achieving also. Well then why how come I said that he is naughty? Yes, because of that. He liked to pinch my cheek very much. If I daydream a little I was pinched. When I was careless a little I was pinched. His pinches were consecutive and consistent. Every day. Three times a day. After eating and before sleeping (how come it looks like taking medicine?). Yeah no matter what it was really often.
I thought when I went to university, the sympathetic experiences will end. Moreover I entered to a university that was famous enough.
Ehem… ehem… I was convinced, the students were definitely very clever, well, and very devout. Ugh ugh but the reality was not as beautiful as the dream. Friends here still liked to tease that I was fat. Still were also very rascal. Fortunately there was no one that liked to pinch this cheek. Hahaha. They understand that in this matter I have given them a ban for everyone. Including close friends. They might admire me but it is not allowed to touch me. Not even pinch. Banned hard. Verboden. And suddenly….
"Morning, hild," Dini greets me with his bright smile. Without any feeling of guilty or sinful.
Ouch.. ouch... a-ouch..
"Why, did I hit you very hard?"
"No question asked. Very painful you know!"
"Sorry, sorry. It is your fault anyway. Even on a morning you were daydreaming. Who were you thinking about? The Uhuy guy?"
"Oh no!!!!, very thanks to you. No meaning of Uhuy in my dictionary.."
"How come you are putting on airs."
But if I really think about it again my fate was really unfortunate.
I remembered truely when I was still small. Approximately when I was five years old; my relatives came to my house. And all of them then were so happy to see my face. Not anything and and not anywhy. They seemed like they got a new toy.
What toy? What else if not my cheek that passionated them. They pinched the left cheek, then pinched the right cheek. They were so very happy then. Laugh laugh. They did not know that the owner of this cheek felt a suffering on both the body and heart. Pain on the cheek, pain also in the heart. Until the end I cried… Huaaaaa. Only then they stopped, changed to caressing.
"Choop choop the sweet child should not cry please."
It was more serious when I was in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, I remember truely that I had a friend named Luri. A child that according to my view is one of the naughtiest on the school. It is indeed generally the child was good, not smoking, obeyed the school rule and even the national ideology and national law, never skipped class even once, moderately clever and high-achieving also. Well then why how come I said that he is naughty? Yes, because of that. He liked to pinch my cheek very much. If I daydream a little I was pinched. When I was careless a little I was pinched. His pinches were consecutive and consistent. Every day. Three times a day. After eating and before sleeping (how come it looks like taking medicine?). Yeah no matter what it was really often.
I thought when I went to university, the sympathetic experiences will end. Moreover I entered to a university that was famous enough.
Ehem… ehem… I was convinced, the students were definitely very clever, well, and very devout. Ugh ugh but the reality was not as beautiful as the dream. Friends here still liked to tease that I was fat. Still were also very rascal. Fortunately there was no one that liked to pinch this cheek. Hahaha. They understand that in this matter I have given them a ban for everyone. Including close friends. They might admire me but it is not allowed to touch me. Not even pinch. Banned hard. Verboden. And suddenly….
"Morning, hild," Dini greets me with his bright smile. Without any feeling of guilty or sinful.
Ouch.. ouch... a-ouch..
"Why, did I hit you very hard?"
"No question asked. Very painful you know!"
"Sorry, sorry. It is your fault anyway. Even on a morning you were daydreaming. Who were you thinking about? The Uhuy guy?"
"Oh no!!!!, very thanks to you. No meaning of Uhuy in my dictionary.."
"How come you are putting on airs."
Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010
gua pngen cerita tp cerita ini lamaaa pas wkt pengambilan rapot ASU tau ngga sih si buser sm missbeth apalagi butompi wkwk itutuh cuma gara2 gua jd siblings org namanya celline gomez apalah itu dia tuh nguploud foto2 yg gaaa bener terus salahnya gueee itu gua ngesuggest temen2 gueee dia pertamanya baikkkkkkk bangett sm gue kayanya dia fake deh kayaknya sih,trus dia ngeadd missbeth tau ngga sih ya pasti kan keliatan photonya sm missbeth goblok bgt ish nah terus gua udh benci sm celline2 itu yaudah udh gue remove kan eh pas itu dia baik2in gua dn promise gue dia gabakal gitu2 lagi yaudah sekarang apa coba?pas diancem sm buser dia malah ngeremove dirinya klo dia org inggris dia gabakal ngerti kan?tai jadi gue dipanggil sm bokp gue dan itu bad day bgt nyokp lg dirawat ish awas aja sih celline2 itu benci bgt gua sm diaaaa,lucunya wkt sm butompi kan ceritanya udh istirahat nah dia msh ngejelas2in gitu apa yg hrs dipelajarin ntar bwt uts fine gua dengerin lamaaaa bgt yaudah kan ada temen gue pengen blg sm temen klo msh lama salahnya sih gue gaizin dulu ya abisnya udh ada yg kabur 2 org yaudh eh massa ketauan wkwkwk trus gw teriak "LAMMMAA" eh dia denger ok gua dipanggil keruang guru bad girl ya gue wkwkwk
yahaammpun nilai gueee??parah bgt mtk 30<---NAIK kmrn kls 7 smster 1 gua dpt 25 smstr 2 50 gatau deh entar kls 8 smster 2 berapa smoga aja 70 hehe amin,trus sejarah gua 53<---turun kemarin tuh kls7 70 75 kaya gitu skarg ancurrrr,mtk gue 5 apa 4 gitu wkwk itu ipa emg susaaaahhhhh tp yg ngebanggain gue TIK tau ngga gua berapaa? 70!!!!!<--nilai tertinggi-_- dan ekonomi diatas kkm weee ^^ lol,.mati aja gua klo ketauan bokapppp wkwkwk
"'Ohana' means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten" kata itu selalu gua denger di "lilo and stitch" kangen banget nget nget sama lilo&stitch sekarang adanya stitch the series aku tak suka gatau kenapaaa :"( obsesi banget tuh sm makhluk kecil berwarna biru ihhhhhh pengen punya bonekanyaaaaaaaaaaa:""((( tapi gak ketemu2,gue juga suka sm kata2 stitch yg
"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good."
omgggggggggg i love you so much stitch i really hope i can find ur doll LOL
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
‘Pretty Little Liars’: ‘Moments Later’ first look
“Pretty Little Liars” comes back in January 2011, but production is already going full steam ahead on the second half of Season 1. Check out this official production still from the first episode when the show returns, titled “Moments Later.” Hanna (Ashley Benson) is in the hospital after her hit-and-run. We’re sure nobody thought they’d kill her off, but it’s nice to get confirmation. It does …
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Oprah’s Aging Beauty: Cybill Shepherd, Linda Evans and Teri Hatcher speak candidly about aging
Oprah Winfrey welcomed to her show actresses Cybill Shepherd (“Moonlighting”), Linda Evans (“Dynasty”) and Teri Hatcher (“Desperate Housewives”) to discuss the issue of aging, beauty and what our society says to women as they grow older.Teri Hatcher says of her now-infamous no-make-up pictures that circulated on the internet, “You feel like: ‘Isn’t that the person you want to be loved? That’s …
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Fall TV deathwatch: After ‘Lone Star,’ what’s next to go?
The ax fell on the first unfortunate show of the 2010-11 TV season this week. “Lone Star” is no more (give or take a burnoff of the remaining finished episodes).And given the unpleasant ratings for some of the fellow members of TV’s freshman class, “Lone Star” could have some company in the not-very-distant future. Several new shows have performed well, but nothing is an out-and-out smash. And …
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“Pretty Little Liars” comes back in January 2011, but production is already going full steam ahead on the second half of Season 1. Check out this official production still from the first episode when the show returns, titled “Moments Later.” Hanna (Ashley Benson) is in the hospital after her hit-and-run. We’re sure nobody thought they’d kill her off, but it’s nice to get confirmation. It does …
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Oprah’s Aging Beauty: Cybill Shepherd, Linda Evans and Teri Hatcher speak candidly about aging
Oprah Winfrey welcomed to her show actresses Cybill Shepherd (“Moonlighting”), Linda Evans (“Dynasty”) and Teri Hatcher (“Desperate Housewives”) to discuss the issue of aging, beauty and what our society says to women as they grow older.Teri Hatcher says of her now-infamous no-make-up pictures that circulated on the internet, “You feel like: ‘Isn’t that the person you want to be loved? That’s …
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Fall TV deathwatch: After ‘Lone Star,’ what’s next to go?
The ax fell on the first unfortunate show of the 2010-11 TV season this week. “Lone Star” is no more (give or take a burnoff of the remaining finished episodes).And given the unpleasant ratings for some of the fellow members of TV’s freshman class, “Lone Star” could have some company in the not-very-distant future. Several new shows have performed well, but nothing is an out-and-out smash. And …
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miley cyrus pregnant?
Is Miley Cyrus Pregnant? Fans and detractors alike are alarmed and curious if Hollywood star Miley Cyrus is really pregnant. in fact, it is one of the hottest trending topic in the search engines today!
The fact is the Miley Cyrus Pregnant issue is NOT true. According to our source, the said gossip did spread like wildfire recently because a certain magazine website was hacked and the headline replaced had something to do with the so-called Miley Cyrus Pregnancy, which again, is not true.
To receive free updates from Showbiz Gossips, you may enter your e-mail below and confirm your subscription by clicking the link that will be sent to your e-mail.Tags: is miley cyrus pregnant, joe jonas y demi lovato, miley cyrus no makeup, miley cyrus nu, miley cyrus sextape with boyfriend
Miley Cyrus Pregnant: The Truth About Miley Cyrus' Pregnancy
The fact is the Miley Cyrus Pregnant issue is NOT true. According to our source, the said gossip did spread like wildfire recently because a certain magazine website was hacked and the headline replaced had something to do with the so-called Miley Cyrus Pregnancy, which again, is not true.
To receive free updates from Showbiz Gossips, you may enter your e-mail below and confirm your subscription by clicking the link that will be sent to your e-mail.Tags: is miley cyrus pregnant, joe jonas y demi lovato, miley cyrus no makeup, miley cyrus nu, miley cyrus sextape with boyfriend
Miley Cyrus Pregnant: The Truth About Miley Cyrus' Pregnancy
Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Tindakan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono membatalkan kunjungan kenegaraan ke Belanda dituding semata demi citra. SBY dinilai hanya ingin membuat masyarat iba.
"Sudahlah Pak Presiden berhenti melakukan pencitraan," kata Wakil Ketua Fraksi Partai Hanura Syarifudin Sudding di Gedung DPR/MPR RI, Jakarta, Rabu (6/10).
Sudding berpendapat penundaan lawatan ke Negeri Kincir Angin bukan karena ancaman Republik Maluku Selatan yang akan menangkap SBY. Tindakan itu lebih karena adanya kegaduhan politik pasca-pengajuan Komjen Timur Pradopo sebagai calon tunggal Kapolri.
Meski demikian Sudding melihat partai koalisi pasti akan mengamankan Timur. Alhasil Timur pasti menjadi Kapolri baru. Mereka tidak akan mengkritisi kasus Timur seperti kasus Ampera hingga Trisakti. Karena pencalonan Timur hanya untuk mengakomodir semua kepentingan, termasuk melanggengkan kekuasaan.
Karena itu Hanura mau tak mau akan menerima Timur, tapi dengan catatan. Timur harus menuntaskan kasus Bank Century.(Andhini)
"Sudahlah Pak Presiden berhenti melakukan pencitraan," kata Wakil Ketua Fraksi Partai Hanura Syarifudin Sudding di Gedung DPR/MPR RI, Jakarta, Rabu (6/10).
Sudding berpendapat penundaan lawatan ke Negeri Kincir Angin bukan karena ancaman Republik Maluku Selatan yang akan menangkap SBY. Tindakan itu lebih karena adanya kegaduhan politik pasca-pengajuan Komjen Timur Pradopo sebagai calon tunggal Kapolri.
Meski demikian Sudding melihat partai koalisi pasti akan mengamankan Timur. Alhasil Timur pasti menjadi Kapolri baru. Mereka tidak akan mengkritisi kasus Timur seperti kasus Ampera hingga Trisakti. Karena pencalonan Timur hanya untuk mengakomodir semua kepentingan, termasuk melanggengkan kekuasaan.
Karena itu Hanura mau tak mau akan menerima Timur, tapi dengan catatan. Timur harus menuntaskan kasus Bank Century.(Andhini)
Berita Justin Bieber 51 tahun telah menghebohkan para penggemar Justin Bieber khususnya, sangat mengejutkan tentu saja. Bagaimana bisa berita Justin Bieber 51 tahun ini bisa begitu cepat dan meyakinkan tersebar. Informasi ini sangat meyakinkan karena disertai dengan berita TV di situs ONN, seperti berita pada umumnya yang disampaikan oleh seorang penyiar.
Disebutkan bahwa menurut penyelidikan polisi terungkap bahwa Justin Bieber berusia 51 tahun dan seorang fedeofil. Berita ini kemudian tersebar secara luas lewat jejaring sosial Twitter dan Facebook. Ketika ternyata kemudian berita tentang Justin Bieber 51 tahun ini terungkap kebenaran yang sesungguhnya, Justin sendiri menyikapinya dengan santai saja. Terlihat dari aktivitas Justin di akun Twitternya, ia sama sekali tidak berusaha menanggapi pemberitaan Justin Bieber 51 tahun ini, seperti kebanyakan artis Holywood papan atas lainnya yang tidak pernah menanggapi gosip karangan tentang yang bersangkutan.
At first your question seemed a bit hysterical. Yes, the 16-year-old kid apparently attended an R-rated screening of Kick-Ass recently (though Bieber's rep insists Justin's never seen it). But for every story like that, we seem to get seven or eight sepia-tinged down-home tales about how "grounded" Justin Bieber is because of his omnipresent mom.
Then I started digging, and interviewing actual child psychologists who work with kid stars. The result?
Put it this way: Bieber fans, stop reading, right now...
Let's start with what we've seen out of Camp Bieber recently.
First, for what it's worth, the kid may be developing an attitude. We saw him ordering around adults during what was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek, cutesy "principal for a day" visit to a California school.
Bieber also copped attitude with reporters during the Kids' Choice Awards. And he also doesn't seem to take much flack from his mother, Pattie Mallette, when he misbehaves.
Here's an excerpt from a profile in the New York Times:
He does not like to listen to his mother. Eager for preconcert downtime, Justin leaped out of the van and charged through the hotel lobby.
Ms. Mallette chased after him. "Justin needs to stop or he's losing that phone," she said, addressing her son, herself and his bodyguard, Kenny Hamilton. "He won't listen to me! Don't let him on the elevator, Kenny, unless he gets off that phone."
But Justin was done with the poised, humble good boy. Staring fixedly at his phone, he ignored her. The elevator doors closed, leaving mother, son and bodyguard to the privacy of their own glare-off.
Then came that sort of creepy SNL sketch with Tina Fey, where Fey plays a teacher who has a crush on Bieber and wants to "give him a bath."
None of that comes anywhere close to the stories we learned about, say, Michael Jackson, who, at 9 years old, was performing in strip clubs. (One biography indicates that a relative purchased the services of two prostitutes for a horrified Michael when he was 15.)
Still, child psychologists say, put all of these Bieber anecdotes together, and they just may paint a picture of a kid who is anything but grounded and well adjusted.
For one, says Sherry Gaba, a psychotherapist who has counseled child stars, the fact that Bieber's bodyguard seems to answer to Justin, and not Pattie, is a breach of responsibility commonly seen in camps of child stars.
The flunkies take orders from the kids, not the kids' parents, and the result is an entitled person who may suffer serious psychological setbacks down the road, including self-destructive behavior.
"No child should be in charge," says Gaba. "They need a parent, versus 'people'" who work for them, Gaba says.
It may sound typical that the teenage Bieber should rebel against his parents—most teens do—but it's the lack of consequence that's telling here, Gaba says. It may be tougher to discipline a child star who is contractually obligated to appear before thousands of adoring fans, but it still has to be done if a kid is to really be the "grounded" person a publicity team says he is.
"There has to be a consequence" for misbehavior, Gaba says, "in some other area of the child's life; maybe their parents say no to that next job. Whatever it is, there have to be consequences to their behaviors or it's just not going to work."
And as cute as Bieber can be, do you really think his mom is taking away his limo driver if he sasses her?
Read more: http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/b180059_justin_bieber_growing_up_too_fast.html#ixzz11gKlCynn
vicks is for treat someone who got flu from indonesia,when i need it i screamed "MOM WHERE IS VICK(pik/pig)??" and my sister answer "sup dude?" and me"what no i meant vicks" my sister "you said pig" me:"huh? why did u answer it if i really said pig ?" my sister "my friends called me pig sometimes yola" LOL
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kangen banget umroh pengen umroh lagi tapi umroh pertama yang sebelum gue masuk al-azhar!demi gua berubah banget masuk situ gua jadi sering ngelawan,marah2 terus, tapi sebelum msuk sekolah itu gue penurut dan gue dekeeet banget sama keluarga,kadang gua kangen sama diri gua yg dulu sama masa2 dulu,umroh yang kedua enak banget tapi bawa sial juga sih gua jadi kenal yang namanya **** dan ****** hidih dewa bet nerakanya tapi enaknya ketemu tante rini sm mbah yaa gitu deh enaknya yang paliiing dewa tuh umroh ketiga gua bisa nyium hajar aswad dapet mutazam sm rukun yamani itu yaAllah subhanallah eh iya gue juga dapet sholat di hijir ismail dewa bet dapet semuaaaa yang ga semua orang bisa dapet itu hehe yay!
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